the group search through a long abandoned burnt out room
  • Greyside: “No armour, no weapons.”

  • Tyto: “They didn’t even fight back.”

  • Kyaren: “Such pointless death.”

  • Tyto: “Killed without mercy.”

  • Kyaren: “This area looks like an office, only all the paperwork is gone.”

  • Tyto: “Piles of ash, looks like they were burning their papers.”

  • Greyside: “They thought... they were leaving.”


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  • Faraine: “My parents always forbid me gazing into gruesome scenes like this.”

  • Kyaren: “You don’t have look here Faraine.”

  • Tyto: “Like you said, you should not strain yourself.”

  • Greyside: “I agree, there is the blood trail, the black streaks it leads to the next room.”

  • Faraine: “Alright, we can press past this then.”


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the group search through astrange room with a glowing fountain
  • Faraine: “A dead end?”

  • Tyto: “Secret door, there is always a secret door!”

  • Greyside: “It is possible.”

  • Kyaren: “Fresh water,high azralens concentration, give me a moment, I can refill here.”

  • Faraine: “This is the spot, any disagreements?”

  • Greyside: “No objections.”

  • Kyaren: “Makes sense to me.”

  • Tyto: gives a simple shrug.


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a purple clad figure walks over to a cave wall
  • Faraine: “It was them; they were here.”

  • Faraine: “What are they, doing?”

  • Faraine: “How are they?”

  • Faraine: “Argh.”


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faraine stares upwards with eye bleeding from her left eye
  • Faraine: “I can see him, he walked up the wall?”

  • Kyaren: “You need to stop.”

  • Faraine: “They are trying to hide something. A crevice.”

  • Greyside: “Don’t look at it anymore.”

  • Faraine: “There is an exit it is way at the top. ARGH”

  • Tyto: “Your eye!”

  • Faraine: “I am, bleeding?”


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  • Faraine: “This explains how they even, got into my grandmother’s bedroom.”

  • Faraine: “They can walk up walls!”

  • Tyto: “Alright, sure. Bandages time.”

  • Faraine: “They hid something up there; we have to get it!”

  • Faraine: “It is not that far up. One us can climb up!”

  • Kyaren: “They walked up that wall? Betting they used magic.”

  • Greyside: “Or magic boots.”

  • Kyaren: “You know of them.”

  • Faraine: flattened her lips, intrigued.

  • Tyto: “Of course, you would know about them.” he tigtens the bandages.

  • Faraine: “Ow, not so tight.”


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a hand drawn picture of stick figures walking up a vertical wall
  • Greyside: “Princess, were they are using their hands to help move up the wall?”

  • Faraine: “No, no they had a bundle in their hands, as they walked up, like it was flat ground.”

  • Tyto: “Hold still Faraine.”

  • Greyside: “So not ankle snappers then.”

  • Kyaren: “Ankle... what?”

  • Greyside: “Most magical climbing boots let you use your feet like hands, to stick to surfaces.”

  • Kyaren: “A spell could make boots soles adhesive; the problem is weight distribution!”

  • Kyaren: “You could use the boots with hands for easy climbing!”

  • Kyaren: “If you tried to walk up a wall eventually the, AHH, ankle snappers.”


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  • Faraine: “Well, this pain is new.”

  • Tyto: “Greyside, I need more bandages.”

  • Greyside: “Take as much as you need.”

  • Tyto: “Could use some water.”

  • Kyaren: “My speciality. Is this from overusing your powers?”

  • Faraine: “No, at least ..I hope not.”

  • Faraine: “Last time I saw them, in my grandmother’s bedroom they made me pass out.”

  • Tyto: “I really think, we are at the limits of what is sane here.”

  • Faraine: “Just get the thing they hid up there! Then we can go!”

  • Greyside: “Ugh, fine, Tyto give me a boost.”

  • Tyto: “Why me? cos I am tallest right?”


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a gold gilded book lying on a old cloth
  • Kyaren: “Woah! Looks expensive.”

  • Tyto: “Why go to the effort to hide a book?”

  • Greyside: “It is a dense tome.”

  • Faraine: ..............

  • Tyto: “You are awfully quiet Faraine.”

  • Faraine: “This is, my grandmother’s personal journal.”


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Kyaren sniffs the air noting a foul scent while faraine adjust the weight in her backpack
  • Faraine: “Give me a moment, I need to adjust for my backpack.”

  • Tyto: “So it's heavier than it looks.”

  • Faraine: “Yes, in many ways.”

  • Kyaren: “Flaming Cowpats.” She utters the words with a pale face.

  • Tyto: “AH, now you are copying me by making up sayings now.”

  • Kyaren: “No, the scent.”

  • Lonzo: “Ain’t dis place full of surprises... EY GREYSIDE!”


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Used under Creative Commons 0 license. Water Dripping (Large Echo) Recorded by editor_adp String echo Recorded by rosmund100