Greyside: “Tyto, we need to capture at least one of them.”
Tyto: “I know !”
Greyside: “Faraine. Hide!”
Faraine: “I can handle this, maybe… this is going to get messy.”
Tyto: “Arggh.”
Bald Merc: “You missed!”
Greyside: “These guys are just hired henchmen.”
Greyside: “We can beat them!”
Bald Merc: “Dream on kid.”
Tyto: “RRRAAA.”
Faraine: “STAY AWAY!”
Faraine: “I think I broke my shoe.”
Tyto: “How can you break a leather shoe?”
Faraine: “We totally crushed them.”
Tyto: “Where have you taken Kyaren!”
Bald Merc: “........”
Tyto: “Tell me where she is!”
Greyside: “He needs to be more afraid, Tyto.”
Bald Merc: “Small children hit harder than you do.”
Greyside: “You don’t need your fingers to speak, if the stumps get infected however.”
Bald Merc: “Hey, hey, that is just cruel.”
Tyto: “Then don’t make us do this to you.”
Faraine: “Gentlemen there no need to go overboard.”
Faraine: “Look at what I have here a nice leather purse.”
Bald Merc: “You think you pay me to flip?”
Faraine: “Yes, I DO.”
Faraine: “As opposed to whoever hired you…”
Faraine: “Your associates are unconscious, no one will know.”
Faraine: “Just take us to where Kyaren is.”
Faraine: “Think about what you can do with this money.”
Faraine: “THINK about all we can do with this rusty KNIFE!”
Bald Merc: “DEAL! Deal, it was grabbing the girl, hand her over here or.”
Bald Merc :“Get her to the scrapyard.”
Tyto : “Who hired you?”
Bald Merc: “I don’t know some Engineer lord.”
Tyto : “Which ONE!”
Bald Merc: “Look, they always use a go between to keep it secret.”
Greyside: “Makes sense, no way any of this was an accident.”
Faraine: “Tie him up.”
Bald Merc: “Hey what about the cash?.”
Faraine: “You will earn it.“
Faraine: “The scrapyard is huge. Show us the way.”
Greyside: “You dragged us halfway across the city.”
Greyside: “IF you lied, we are going back to the knife.”
Bald Merc: “This is the spot I swear!”
Tyto : “Why her, why Kyaren !?”
Bald Merc: “They paid us enough to not ask.”
Faraine: “The scrapyard is huge. Show us the way.”
Faraine: “I need a better vantage point.”
???: “Hmmmm....”
Greyside: “Did anyone else hear that?”
Tyto : “Probably just Faraine climbing.”
Tyto : “We should gag him now actually.”
Greyside: “Good point.”
Bald Merc: “Oh come on, I got a mask on already.”
Faraine: “I see her!”
Faraine: “It was Lord Micesh.”
Tyto : “HIM! He barely asked any questions.”
Greyside: “Because he had no reason to ask!”
Faraine: “He also did say, he wouldn’t have a float for the parade.”
Tyto : “Why would he want Kyaren though?”
Greyside: “She is a specialist, theoretical incantation.”
Tyto : “So only their creations can be activated by a spellcaster, or someone with those skills.”
Faraine: “So they made something else here, for that benefactor.”
Faraine: “And Lord Micesh must want access to it.”
Bald Merc: “Cmmman MiI gommm nmmow?”
Tyto : “Are we really, going to let this guy go?”
Faraine: “After Greyside does his thing.”
Faraine: tosses the coin laden purse to the gagged merc.
Greyside: “Sleep time.”
Bald Merc: whimpers pathetically.
Faraine: “Another device...”
Faraine: “So it is a trap door.”
Faraine: “How many secret facilities did they build?”
Tyto : “Probably filled with more of their projects.”
Faraine: “Whatever is inside, has to be big for Lord Micesh to risk all of this.”
Greyside: “This is good. They can use her, so they won’t hurt her.”
Tyto : “They only have one guard?”
Tyto : “Should we charge in, or use a distraction?”
Faraine: “I say distraction.”
Faraine and Tyto: both look at Greyside
Greyside: “Someday one of you will have to think one up.”
Greyside: “That sheet metal over there looks unstable.”
Greyside: “It lines up perfectly.”
Tyto : “I could have thought of that.”
Greyside: “And yet, you didn’t.”
Tyto : “Remember don’t trip Faraine.”
Faraine: “I can see where I am going this time.”
Greyside: “sshhh.”
Greyside: sternfully pushes with his foot.
Guard: “RUN!!”
Other Guard: “What?!”
Tyto : “Where is Kyaren!”
Guard: “Who?”
Tyto : “The redhaired spellcaster.”
Other Guard: “Look! You don’t know who you are messing with.”
Other Guard: “You will lift this hunk of metal off us and.”
Other Guard: “We can take you to her.”
Tyto : “So, she is inside this thing then.”
Guard: “….no, lift this off us.”
Tyto : “Let keep going.”
Faraine: “You will wriggle their way out eventually.”
Faraine: "How far does this tunnel extend?”
Faraine: “This place is huge.”
Tyto : “Only one way for them to go”
Faraine: “The design is different? To the rest of Arjen”
Greyside: “Yes, is it because the power source is different?”
Greyside: “It couldn’t be…”
Tyto : “Another door, they left it open.”
Faraine: “Lucky for us then.”
Used under Creative Commons 0 license. Jumping RopeRecorded by vhschool2019 Jumping on wooden floorRecorded by davidsonfreemedia Construction site, landfill 03Recorded by cabled_mess External Sounds » MetalGate.wavRecorded by ahill86 trashcan.wavRecorded by stomachache Whimper_Gasp_1_FemaleRecorded by Drkvixn91